SDP is constructive

While some may want to attain the 5 Cs  of cash, car, condo, country club, and credit card, the Singapore Democrats have a different set of Cs we aspire to – competence, constructiveness, and compassion.

These are the qualities we have been working to build up and they will be the ones we want voters in this coming general elections to know us for.

For years the electorate has been fed a steady diet of negative news and attacks of the worst kind against our party and its leaders. We were helpless against the onslaught because there was no avenue for us to fight back. The attack took its toll.

Then came the Internet. With its growing pervasiveness and utility, we found a weapon with which to defend ourselves and, indeed, launch countermeasures against the PAP propaganda.

More important, it was a medium which we could use to tell Singaporeans our views and alternative proposals. We have made our stand clear on our positions
vis-a-vis PAP policies and articulated our reasons for doing so. We didn’t stop there. For each of these positions, we have explained as clearly as we possibly can what alternative policies should replace the PAP’s.

We have done this in several areas such as healthcare, ministerial salaries, education, and so on. Click on Our Alternatives to read more about our policies.  

The one area to which we have given overwhelming focus is the economy. We do this for obvious reasons: the national narrative is still very much an economic one. Some of the ideas such as minimum wage, retrenchment benefits, and the Singaporeans First policy have been echoed by analysts, academics and even PAP MPs. We advocated these issues way back in the 2001 elections.

Now, even our most hardened opponents cannot credibly accuse us of not being constructive and opposing for opposition sake. It is one achievement that we are immensely proud of. It is one matter we will take to our voters in the upcoming GE – that there is an alternative. It is called the Singapore Democratic Party.      

当一些国人还在追求”五C”: 即金钱,汽车,公寓,私人俱乐部,信用卡时,我党所追求的是灵性的"三C":  才干, 建设性和同情心  ( Competence, Constructiveness, Compassion) 

这些年来,国人通过大众媒体得知一些关于我党和党领导的负面新闻和攻击性言论。 我党无法回复这些漫骂,因为我们并没有这样的平台,所以这些漫骂因而得逞。现在有了网际网路,我们可以在这无遠弗届的世界对人民行动党的种种指责加以还击。

更重要的是,网际网路让我党有机回发表我党的意见和在对的策略。 我党也能表明我们坚定的立场。 我们并没有就此停下脚步。 我们予时并进地表明了我党的替代政策。这是史无前列的。


最受人民关注的焦点就是经济。其他受瞩目的课题包括最低工资,裁员和赔偿等。 这些课题在二零零一年引起了许多经济学者,甚至人民行动党义员的热列讨论。 我们在二零零一年也提倡了这项课题的政论。

现在,即使那些对我党最严厉的反对者也无法责骂我党是一个没有建设性和只为反对而反对的政党。 我党为此引以为傲。 我们将在来届大选证明我们是具备完善替代政策的政党。 这就是新加坡民主党。

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